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In 2024, five years after Godzilla fought and killed his extraterrestrial nemesis Ghidorah for dominance in 2019, he and Kong are currently the only active Titans on Earth. The epic clash between the two titans, instigated by unseen forces, is only the beginning of the mystery that lies deep within the core of the Earth. But they unexpectedly find themselves in the path of an enraged Godzilla, cutting a swath of destruction across the world. Kong and his protectors undertake a perilous journey to find his true home, and with them is Jia, a young orphaned girl with whom he has formed a unique and powerful bond. Kong" as these mythic adversaries meet in a spectacular battle, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance. Kong begins five years after King of the Monsters, and sees Godzilla and Kong undergoing a titanic battle in the wake of Ghidorah's rampage. Borenstein, Dougherty and Shields also wrote King of the Monsters. The film is directed by Adam Wingard, produced by Mary Parent, Alex Garcia, Eric McLeod, and Brian Rogers with the screenplay written by Eric Pearson and Max Borenstein, from a story by Terry Rossio, Michael Dougherty and Zach Shields. The film was also streaming concurrently on HBO Max through to April 30, 2021.
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It then got pushed up to March 26, 2021, before ultimately being released to American theaters on March 31, 2021. Kong had a turbulent development, and was originally set for release on May 29, 2020, before being pushed up to March 13, 2020, only to then be delayed to November 20, 2020, and then May 21, 2021. Kong, also known by the working title of " Apex" is a 2021 American science fiction monster film produced by Legendary Pictures, and the fourth entry in the MonsterVerse, following 2019's Godzilla: King of the Monsters, acting as a sequel to both King of the Monsters and Kong: Skull Island.
![Pacific rim full movie genvideos](https://loka.nahovitsyn.com/23.jpg)